Course curriculum

More talks will be added after other conferences throughout the year and as speakers grant us permission to share their talk

    1. Introduction

    1. Wildlife drones - Paul Sinclair

    2. Disco bats and glittery poo - James Shipman

    3. Industry insights from Lotek - Sarah Deans

    4. Continuous evolution of GPS tracking technology, Gary Brodin, Pathtrack

    1. An update on the work of the Bat Conservation Trust - Kit Stoner

    2. Tree roost mitigation - Chloe Delgery & Jim Mullholland, ARUP and Bats Research & Training

    3. Keynote: Using genomics to inform bat conservation under global change - Dr Orly Razgour, University of Exeter

    4. Long-term change in insect populations as potential drivers of population change in UK bats - Hannah Romanowski, Rothamsted Research

    5. The influence of local canopy structure and flight behaviour on barbastelle bat (Barbastella barbastellus) vehicle collision risk - Vincent Weir Scientific Award Winner 2024: Kieran O’Malley, University of Sussex

    6. Introducing BCT’s Sound Classification System - Madeline Davies, Bat Conservation Trust

    7. Bat Maths: Modelling movement, detector placement and finding roosts - Dr Thomas Woolley, Cardiff University

    8. Assessing migration of bat species and interaction with Offshore Wind Farms in British Waters - Jack Hooker, University of West of England and Bat Conservation Trust

    9. Future climatically suitable areas for bats in South Asia - Aditya Srinivasulu

    1. Nathusius’ pipistrelle in Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland - Tom Bennett.

    2. BCT Update - Lisa Worledge, Bat Conservation Trust

    3. Winter bat activity in a suburban garden - Alan Roe, Derbyshire Bat Conservation Group

    1. Post-release survival - Claire Andrews

    2. Wildlife licensing in Scotland as a future model - Paul Reynolds

    3. Public voice and face of bat conservation - Tristan Evans, BCT, and Maggie Brown, West Yorkshire Bat Hospital

    1. BCT Update - Joe Nunez-Mino, Bat Conservation Trust

    2. Planning and Bats - An example of exemplar Local Planning Authority practices - Andrew Cutts, Denbighshire Country Council

    3. Stackpole Greater Horseshoe Bats - Paul Culyer

    4. Gobaith Coetir/Woodland Hope - Lia Gilmour and Elliot Bastos, BCT

    5. Natural Resources Wales update - Sam Dyer, NRW

    6. Combatting negative covid press through education: Cardiff Bat Group’s online education project at Wales - Jessica Dangerfield

About this course

  • £25.00 / year
  • 39 lessons
  • 11.5 hours of video content

Great CPD for professional & volunteer bat workers

More content added after each conference